Hotel of Change
The „Hotel of Change“ opens its doors! The guests? Activists — those among us who go above and beyond in caring for our society, while often neglecting their own needs. The „Hotel of Change“ is a wellness oasis right in the middle of town. Here it is seen to that the guests are well-taken care of, that they may recharge their batteries and form fresh a perspective on the causes they have dedicated themselves to.
„Hotel of Change“ is about personal struggle and experience, about the complex mechanisms of our society, political change and about hope. Most importantly, it is about the daring individuals without whom our world would probably turn a whole lot slower.
Premiere (UA): 5. November 2022
Performance by the collective STEREO AKT
Director: Martin Boross
Set & Costume Design: Raissa Kankelfitz
Video: Máté Bredán
Music & Sound Design: Tara Khozein, Márk Bartha
Production Assistant: Paula Korneck, Zsuzsanna Balogh
Dramaturg: Gábor Thury
Performers: Luca Borsos, Emina Messaoudi, László Göndör, Máté Martinkovics
Activists from Tübingen: Jackie Andres , Ahmed Arafa, Lucas Leppert , Sofia Porscha, Lin Rückschloss
Fotos: Raissa Kankelfitz